Thank You 2016 Part 1

I realise this blog has become increasingly impersonal. Perhaps subconsciously, I had been trying to be more businesslike, and limit myself from sharing personal things. It probably also doesn’t help that I don’t update as often as I should. So before 2016 ends, I’d like to talk about things that I’m grateful for. This is…

My Crazy Week + Beauty Boxes

If you were wondering where I’ve disappeared to for the past week, don’t worry I haven’t been abducted by aliens for funky experiments. It was just a crazy busy week. Blogging will resume normally this week after this small summary about what I’ve been up to recently. Last Sunday we were invited to the final…

Giving Thanks + MIVVA Box

Taking a pause from all the cooking/eating posts and I’d like to talk about a few things tonight before the year of the Dragon draws to a close. Had our very healthy reunion dinner tonight (including a revamped version of Yee Sang), will blog about it in the next day or two. 2013 has been…

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013!

Wow, the whole December must have been on fast forward mode. In the food blogging world, there were many themed challenges this month, some of which I was able to participate (sorry Alan, didn’t get to do your Aspiring Bakers’ Challenge). While in the musical part of my life, it has been a mad run…

My ‘Beauty’ Secrets

A lot of people have asked me how I keep my face looking youthful and acne-free. You see, when I was around 18-19, I suffered really bad acne. Med school is stressful, I’m sure you already know that. I’d have more than 10 pimples at any one time on my face. It was a horrible…

Qualities that I think the boys should have [ADV]

Here’s a non-food post for the weekend. Busy whipping up cupcakes today, and I’m going to attempt making pasta for the very first time before my brand new pasta maker gather enough dust. It’s another long weekend for Malaysians too, which means parties everywhere! Looking forward to the Arthur’s day pre-celebration at Sid’s Pub tomorrow….

Blog awards and random facts about myself

Here’s a non-food post for the start of the month. Can you believe it’s already the second half of the year?! I just hope that I’ll be able to achieve my goals by the time 2012 slips through my fingers. Ames @ A Melbourne Girl at Heart has kindly nominated me for a lovely blog award….